Perfect Wetsuit


Wetsuit Size Charts in Cm and Inch, for Men, Women and Kids

Orca - Men

02145 - 15035 - 4075 - 80
03150 - 16040 - 5580 - 86
04157 - 17056 - 6185 - 91
05162 - 17061 - 6690 - 95
06167 - 17567 - 7495 - 99
07173 - 18575 - 8298 - 104
MT177 - 19068 - 7695 - 99
08180 - 18882 - 89104 - 108
09185 - 19389 - 97108 - 113
10190 - 19698 - 109114 - 124
11193 - 200107123 - 134

Orca - Women

XXS138 - 14332 - 4565 - 77
XS144 - 16046 - 5378 - 83
S157 - 16754 - 6183 - 89
M165 - 17760 - 6789 - 94
L170 - 18566 - 7494 - 99
XL177 - 18973 - 7999 - 104

Orca - Kids

08125 - 13564 - 6955 - 6067 - 72
10135 - 14569 - 7460 - 6572 - 77
12145 - 15574 - 7965 - 7077 - 82

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